
What is the difference between a "squawk" and a "squitter"?

In relation to the transponder technology, a squawk refers to a response that a transmitter responder (i.e. transponder) is making to an interrogation from Air Traffic Control (ATC). In a classic Mode A/C transponder, a squawk response included very basic aircraft ID, general status, and pressure altitude information.

A squitter or squit is a transmission that frequently sends aircraft ID and position data while not being interrogated. In some Mode S transponders and ADS-B devices, the squit transmission can include up to almost 50 parameters including lat/long position, direction of flight, velocity, and more.

How can I safely clean and disinfect my Garmin avionics?

Garmin has provided Service Advisory 2051 for general recommendations, materials, and supplies to clean and disinfect Garmin products. Otherwise, not following the recommendations could void the warranty.

  • Cleaners containing ammonia will harm the anti-reflective coating on many Garmin aviation display lenses.
  • Disinfectant with a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol that does not contain ammonia is preferred. Solutions of up to 91% isopropyl alcohol are also acceptable.
  • Clean the display lens using a clean lint-free cloth and a cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.
  • For other exposed surfaces such as knobs, buttons, and bezels, a damp cloth with soap and water is acceptable.
  • Bleach-based cleaners, ammonia-based cleaners, or other harsh chemicals on any surface are not recommended.
  • Remove all soap/soap residue to prevent buttons and knobs from gumming up or becoming slippery.
  • Many aviation products are not rated as waterproof. Spraying or wetting the units to the extent where moisture could go beyond the exterior surfaces could damage the unit.

I have an aircraft that needs a new transponder, and I am thinking of going with a Mode S ADS-B unit. Do you have anything that couples with the KLN 94 GPS?

The KLN-94 is not a WAAS GPS, nor is it upgradeable to one. We recommend the KT-74, but if you decide to upgrade to a GPS400W or GNS430W, then you would want to go with a GTX-330.

After I have my Garmin GTX-330 upgraded for Extended Squitter (ES), how do I install it?

First, please reference the information Garmin provides in relation to the ES upgrade:


There is perhaps a misconception that simply having your Garmin GTX-330 transponder upgraded to include Extended Squitter capability is the only step for ADS-B Out compliance. As with almost all ADS-B installations, appropriate interfacing to other systems in the aircraft (ex. approved position source & altitude source) is required along with approved guidance material that indicates the airworthiness approval procedure followed for return to service of the aircraft (ex. AML STC). Garmin provides an Installation Manual with Approved Model List STC for its Aviation dealers. Authorized dealers should not be distributing the necessary data and paperwork for the ADS-B installation to non-dealers.

As with all ADS-B installations, AIR TEAM strongly recommends that you only contact and consult a trained, authorized avionics dealer.

I want to upgrade my aircraft nav/com to a GNS-530W as well as making it ADS-B in/out compliant. What transponder and other components are required?

First, we would recommend contacting us to discuss the following:

  • Upgrading your existing nav/com to a used GNS-530W or the newer GTN-750.
  • If you already have a Garmin transponder (i.e. GTX-330), then you should simply get the ES upgrade, interface to GNS-530W or GTN-750, along with a few other minor installation considerations, and get the shop to do the appropriate paperwork based on Garmin's AML STC.

How do I obtain a Mode S code?

The Mode S aircraft identification code is listed on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Aircraft Address Code. If the aircraft registration does not contain this information, aircraft owners with a Mode S transponder can obtain an aircraft identification code from the CAA Aircraft Registry.

I have a GARMIN 420 (not 30) in my Maule. Will this work with it? I get my updates from Jeppeson for the 420/430.

Per the manufacturer: Yes, the commander 430 version will work with the GNS 420.

Is the GNS 430 unit included with the docking station?

No, this is he docking station only. GNS430 or GNS530 not included.

What is the INT behind the 430 or 530 models mean?

It is references the International models. The models without INT are meant for use in the USA with 110v power supply. The INT models have a 220v power supply.

Does the Docking Station (430W and 530W) have internal power supply for the Avionics? What is the use of the accessory cable?

Per the manufacturer, it is to interface between the GPS receiver and the Docking Station. It will also have the power supply included.
