What is the difference between a "squawk" and a "squitter"?
In relation to the transponder technology, a squawk refers to a response that a transmitter responder (i.e. transponder) is making to an interrogation from Air Traffic Control (ATC). In a classic Mode A/C transponder, a squawk response included very basic aircraft ID, general status, and pressure altitude information.
A squitter or squit is a transmission that frequently sends aircraft ID and position data while not being interrogated. In some Mode S transponders and ADS-B devices, the squit transmission can include up to almost 50 parameters including lat/long position, direction of flight, velocity, and more.
How can I safely clean and disinfect my Garmin avionics?
Garmin has provided Service Advisory 2051 for general recommendations, materials, and supplies to clean and disinfect Garmin products. Otherwise, not following the recommendations could void the warranty.
Cleaners containing ammonia will harm the anti-reflective coating on many Garmin aviation display lenses.
Disinfectant with a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol that does not contain ammonia is preferred. Solutions of up to 91% isopropyl alcohol are also acceptable.
Clean the display lens using a clean lint-free cloth and a cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.
For other exposed surfaces such as knobs, buttons, and bezels, a damp cloth with soap and water is acceptable.
Bleach-based cleaners, ammonia-based cleaners, or other harsh chemicals on any surface are not recommended.
Remove all soap/soap residue to prevent buttons and knobs from gumming up or becoming slippery.
Many aviation products are not rated as waterproof. Spraying or wetting the units to the extent where moisture could go beyond the exterior surfaces could damage the unit.
I have an aircraft that needs a new transponder, and I am thinking of going with a Mode S ADS-B unit. Do you have anything that couples with the KLN 94 GPS?
The KLN-94 is not a WAAS GPS, nor is it upgradeable to one. We recommend the KT-74, but if you decide to upgrade to a GPS400W or GNS430W, then you would want to go with a GTX-330.
After I have my Garmin GTX-330 upgraded for Extended Squitter (ES), how do I install it?
First, please reference the information Garmin provides in relation to the ES upgrade:
There is perhaps a misconception that simply having your Garmin GTX-330 transponder upgraded to include Extended Squitter capability is the only step for ADS-B Out compliance. As with almost all ADS-B installations, appropriate interfacing to other systems in the aircraft (ex. approved position source & altitude source) is required along with approved guidance material that indicates the airworthiness approval procedure followed for return to service of the aircraft (ex. AML STC). Garmin provides an Installation Manual with Approved Model List STC for its Aviation dealers. Authorized dealers should not be distributing the necessary data and paperwork for the ADS-B installation to non-dealers.
As with all ADS-B installations, AIR TEAM strongly recommends that you only contact and consult a trained, authorized avionics dealer.
I want to upgrade my aircraft nav/com to a GNS-530W as well as making it ADS-B in/out compliant. What transponder and other components are required?
First, we would recommend contacting us to discuss the following:
Upgrading your existing nav/com to a used GNS-530W or the newer GTN-750.
If you already have a Garmin transponder (i.e. GTX-330), then you should simply get the ES upgrade, interface to GNS-530W or GTN-750, along with a few other minor installation considerations, and get the shop to do the appropriate paperwork based on Garmin's AML STC.
How do I obtain a Mode S code?
The Mode S aircraft identification code is listed on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Aircraft Address Code. If the aircraft registration does not contain this information, aircraft owners with a Mode S transponder can obtain an aircraft identification code from the CAA Aircraft Registry.
Mám v letadle Maule Garmin 420 (ne 30). Bude to s ním fungovat? Aktualizace získávám od Jeppeson pro 420/430.
Podle výrobce: Ano, verze Commander 430 bude fungovat s GNS 420.
Je jednotka GNS 430 dodávána s dokovací stanicí?
Ne, toto je pouze dokovací stanice. GNS430 nebo GNS530 nejsou součástí.
Co znamená označení INT u modelů 430 nebo 530?
Jedná se o odkazy na mezinárodní modely. Modely bez INT jsou určeny pro použití v USA s napájením 110 V. Modely s INT mají napájení 220 V.
Does the Docking Station (430W and 530W) have internal power supply for the Avionics? What is the use of the accessory cable?
Per the manufacturer, it is to interface between the GPS receiver and the Docking Station. It will also have the power supply included.
Budou fungovat s modely 28V 530A?
Podle výrobce ano, bude fungovat s modely 530A.
Potřebujete kabel, aby GNS 430 fungoval s dokovací stanicí? Myslel jsem, že je to jen externí zdroj napájení. K čemu kabel slouží?
Podle výrobce slouží k propojení mezi GPS přijímačem a dokovací stanicí. Obsahuje také napájecí zdroj.
How many entertainment inputs does the GMA-340 have?
The GMA-340 has two stereo entertainment inputs, Music 1 and Music 2. Music 1 is soft-muted during all aircraft radio activity and normally during ICS (intercom system) activity. Music 2 is a non-muted input. Two headphone outputs of these devices are used and plugged into Music 1 and Music 2. Two 3.5mm stereo phone jacks should be installed in a convenient location for this purpose.
What different versions of the GMA-340 are available?
The GMA-340 was originally manufactured in 3 versions- standard GMA-340, dual ADF GMA-340, and the GMA-340H for helicopters.
What is the main difference between the ART-2000 and ART-2100 radar sensors?
The main difference between the ART-2000 and the ART-2100 is that the ART-2100 has 50% more transmit power than the ART-2000. The range on the ART-2000 is 240 nautical miles while the ART-2100 has a range of 320 nautical miles. The ART-2100 also has a 120 degree scan instead of the 90 degree scan as with the ART-2000. The ART-2100 also has additional features such as autorange which alerts the pilot when radar energy cannot penetrate and autotilt which manages the tilt angle as the aircraft climbs or descends.
What factors could be causing a newly installed or replacement avionics unit to not be working properly?
Many avionics systems require a configuration or setup process. This process is required to interface certain avionics systems to other systems in the aircraft that will be inputting or outputting information to and from these systems. Some examples of systems that require a configuration or setup process include:
In addition, most newer technology or solid state systems require configuration via computer interface of some type. A qualified avionics technician should always refer to the appropriate manufacturer's installation manual for complete information and instructions.
Can the CM-2000 configuration module used with the ART-2000 be programmed by devices other than the KPA-900 programmer?
The CM-2000 Configuration Module saves the configuration and calibration information for the ART-2000/RDR-2000 system. The module can be programmed with configuration data via EFIS-40/50 with EFIS software level 09 or higher. Otherwise, the Configuration Module must be programmed with configuration data outside the system using the KPA-900 Configuration Module Programmer Kit #P/N 050-03311-0003# with a personal computer. All calibration data is programmed with the module in the system regardless of the type of installation.
Please note that while the CM-2000 configuration modules stores certain aircraft specific parameters that are utilized by the system, other adjustments and settings must be made in the system following installation. Please refer to the RDR-2000 Installation Manual for complete details on the proper way to configure the RDR-2000 / ART-2000 system.
I see in RDR-2000 installation manual that Quadraxial Cable is required for the ART-2000 installation, why is that?
Quadraxial cable shield is required for transmission of the ARINC 453 data from the ART-2000 to the indicator or MFD. In some cases, the ARINC 453 data lines can create noise that can be picked up by other systems in the aircraft. The Quadraxial or Quadrax cable can be purchased through Honeywell under P/N 024-00064-0000, which is quite expensive.
My MFD or glass cockpit system will display weather from a weather radar, what system should I choose?
Air Team recommends the Honeywell ART-2000 system for the following reasons:
Cost - Aftermarket availability
Installation flexibility
Post-installation support
Most MFD, integrated avionics systems of glass cockpit systems that accept a weather radar input are compatible with the ART-2000. The Garmin GWX68 is not readily available on the used aftermarket and is higher in cost than the ART-2000. Furthermore, the Garmin GWX68 can only be serviced by the Garmin factory. Both systems offer most of the same desired features such as high power out, 90 degree scan, vertical profile scanning, and 10 or 12 inch antenna arrays.
What is required for stabilization of the ART-2000?
A vertical gyro or AHRS input must be provided to fully stabilize the ART-2000. The gyro should provide excitation, pitch and roll signals for the stabilization circuits in the ART-2000. It is recommended that isolation transformers be used for pitch/roll inputs when the ART-2000 is interfaced with a gyro that does not have isolated outputs for radar stabilization.
For aircraft that do not already have such pitch and roll outputs available, Air Team recommends the Collins 332D-11A or 332D-11T.
In reference to the ART-2000/2100 configuration, what is meant by "gyro compensation"?
When an Analog Gyro Source is interfaced to the ART-2000 or ART-21000 for stabilization, there is a parameter on the CM-2000 programming for Analog Gyro Compensation.
The reference voltage for some analog gyros decreases in operation. The decreased voltage is more noticeable under heavier loads. When the voltage decreases, the pitch and roll gain values are too high. The "Compensate for Ref Drop" option should be selected to set the gain values in ratio of the initial reference voltage to the current reference voltage. This will monitor the 400Hz Ref and as loads are added that cause ref voltage to drop it compensates.
In almost all cases, the "compensate for ref drop" should be and can be selected in case of a voltage drop from the gyro.
What is radar stabilization?
Radar stabilization uses an aircraft's vertical gyro (if equipped) to maintain the selected radar antenna beam relative to the horizon. Therefore, while in a turn, the radar will maintain the selected tilt angle instead of changing in relation to turn.
What other accessories are needed to properly install the ART-2000 radar sensor?
While all installations require standard hardware supplies and tooling common to avionics installation facilities, the KPA-900 configuration module programmer kit is required to program the CM-2000 configuration module. The configuration module is used to save parameters and settings needed for the ART-2000. The KPA-900 is not part of any installation kit and must be obtained by the installer. The KPA-900 kit (P/N 050-3311-0003) includes an operators guide, programmer, and software disc. A compatible computer is needed as well to interface with the KPA-900.
What nav radios will interface to the Garmin G5?
For the G5 DG/HSI version with nav interface (PN K10-00280-30), only Garmin nav/GPS radios will interface to the G5. This includes the Garmin GNC-255 series, SL30, GNS-430/530 series, and GTN-650/750 series navigators.
Is the Garmin G5 a replacement for the King KI-256?
As of September 2017, the Garmin G5 electronic flight instrument is not a replacement for the KI-256 flight command indicator.
The DG/HSI version of the G5 can interface to a variety of autopilots such as the King KFC-150/200 to provide heading and course error to the autopilot. The G5 can interface to select autopilots for coupled flight in heading and nav modes with a compatible navigation source.
well. The KI-256 is not simply an attitude gyro/indicator. It supplies attitude data to KFC autopilots and is a flight director as well.
Can the Garmin G5 be used as the primary attitude indicator in an aircraft?
The G5 electronic instrument is capable of operating as a primary attitude indicator, DG or HSI.
The STC approves the installation of the G5 in an existing instrument panel. In the attitude application, the G5 can replace an existing vacuum attitude indicator or rate-of-turn indicator. The G5 can also replace existing vacuum driven DGs or existing HSI, either standalone or in combination with a G5 attitude display.
The G5 is designed to be installed into a standard 3” instrument hole in place of existing indicators . Other primary flight instruments remain in their current approved locations. Please note that the G5 cannot replace an existing primary attitude indicator that has a Flight Director. However, if the existing attitude indicator is interfaced to the autopilot and it does not include Flight Director, the existing attitude indicator can be moved to the rate of turn indicator location and G5 installed as the primary attitude indicator. Also, for installations that do not install a G5 as the replacement primary attitude indicator, the G5 can be installed as a second attitude indicator in place of the existing rate of turn indicator. However, if the existing rate of turn indicator is interfaced with the autopilot, it cannot be replaced by a G5. The G5 can only be installed in the locations specified in the STC. It is an installer’s responsibility to ensure the installation limitations are considered prior to modifying an aircraft.
Why is the G5 certified as a primary instrument but not as a backup for the G500/600?
The current G5 STC relies on standard scan instruments being installed to assist in the unlikely event of a G5 failure. The certification requirements for primary vs. standby are different and rely on EFIS certifications. Also, the G5 is a PMA approved part not a TSO approved part.
Od června 2017 nemá Garmin G5 (všechny verze) možnost propojení s autopilotem.
Can I replace my standby attitude indicator on my G1000 with the Garmin G5?
As of June 2017, the G5 has not been approved as the standby instrument in the G1000 cockpit.
Mám nainstalovaný systém G3X a vím, že G3X touch a běžný systém G3X nemohou komunikovat, ale je nějaký způsob, jak můžu použít svůj běžný GDU jako GPS a poté připojit touch displej ke svým stávajícím modulům?
Museli byste provozovat GDU 370/375 zcela odděleně s vlastním GPS signálem a přepracovat G3X touch tak, aby byl hlavním displejem se stávajícími LRUs.
Musím pro Garmin G3X EFIS koupit konektorové sady, pokud koupím sadu kabeláže?
Ano, stále byste museli koupit konektorovou sadu navíc ke kabeláži.
Jaké další konektorové sady a/nebo kabeláže jsou potřeba s K10-00016-40 (jednoduchý displej, bez EiS, bez XM)?
Budete potřebovat instalační sadu GDU 460/465, konektorovou sadu GSU 25 a instalační sadu GMU 22.
Jaké zapojení je zahrnuto v G3X VFR kabeláži EFIS/EMS 4CYL CON/LYC?
Pro VFR kabeláž jsou zahrnuty všechny komponenty včetně motorových vedení, kromě připojení k autopilotu a audio panelu (které mají vlastní čísla dílů na našem seznamu). Při objednání systému G3X vám zašleme formulář k vyplnění pro vaše jedinečné nastavení.
Co je zahrnuto v G3X VFR EFIS/EMS kabeláži?
Každá kabeláž G3X, kterou vytváříme, je jedinečná, proto budete muset vyplnit formulář, který obsahuje požadované funkce a ceny.
S GTR 20 je interkom pro 2 místa, mám letadlo pro 4 místa, co musím udělat, abych měl interkom pro další 2 místa?
Budete muset koupit audio panel GMA 245 nebo dálkový audio panel 245R pro podporu letadla se 4 místy.
Lze na Garmin G3X EFIS zobrazit data dvojitého motoru?
Podle manuálu ano, G3X může zobrazovat data dvojitého motoru.
Jaká je skutečná velikost jednotky a jaké jsou rozměry potřebného panelového výřezu pro portrétní instalaci?
Rozměry jsou 6,01 palce x 7,82 palce x 3,68 palce.
Vysílačky Garmin GNC-255A a GNC-255B jsou kompatibilní s řadou indikátorů, včetně Garmin GI-102A a GI106A a King KI-202, KI-203, KI-204, KI-206, KI-208, KI-208A, KI-209, KI-209A.
Can speed, time, and distance information be displayed on the GNC-255A/B?
When the GNC-255A/B has received data from an external device, such as a GPS receiver or DME sensor through the serial port, speed, time, and distance data will be available. If you are not connected to an external sensor, you will not see this display.
Can Com and Nav channels be saved?
The current Standby frequency may be saved into the Com or Nav User Frequency database from the Com or Nav display. The Com and Nav User Frequency database can hold up to 15 frequencies each.
What versions of the GNC-255A/B are available?
The GNC-255's Com radio operates in the aviation voice band, from 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, in 25 kHz steps (default). For European operations, a Com radio configuration of 8.33 kHz steps is also available. The GNC-255 VHF Nav receiver operates from 108 MHz to 117.95 MHz decoding both the VHF Omni Range and Localizer navigation signals. The built-in Glideslope receiver will automatically tune the corresponding glideslope paired frequencies (328 MHz to 335 MHz) when the localizer is tuned. The GNC 255 is available in 10 and 16 watt com transmitter versions. The GNC 255A is available with a 10 watt com transmitter. The GNC 255B is available with a 16 watt com transmitter.
Can frequencies be searched by airport identifier?
The GNC-255A/B contains a large database of Com frequencies that may be recalled by identifier.
What is required to update the frequency database?
The GNC-255A/B uses a standard USB memory device to load the frequency database. The memory device is not provided by Garmin. The Frequency database is stored internally and the USB memory device is only used to transfer the database into the unit.
Does the Garmin GNS-530 contain interface capability for weather radar?
No. Currently, the GNS-530 does not support an interface for analog or digital weather radar display. Since the GNS-530 is intended to be a multifunction display containing such information as GPS, Nav, Ryan TCAD, and Echoflight , the potential is present. Although the possibility has been addressed by Garmin, they have not released any projected date or timeframe for this interface.
Podle instalační příručky jsou následující indikátory kompatibilní s hlavním přepínatelným výstupem indikátoru VOR/ILS/GPS (konektor P4001) pro GPS/Nav/Comms Garmin GNS-430 a GNS-530. GI-102 (již není k dispozici), Garmin GI-102A, GI-106 (již není k dispozici), GI-106A, S-Tec ST-180 HSI, King KI-202, KI-206, KI-208A, KI-209A, KI-525A, KPI-552, KPI-552B, KPI-553, KPI-553A, KPI-553B, Collins 331A-3G HSI, 331A-9G HSI, 331A-6P HSI, Bendix IN-831A, Century NSD-360, NSD-360A , NSD-1000 HSI, Sperry/Honeywell RD-550A, 650 HSI. Následující indikátory jsou rovněž kompatibilní, ale nejsou uvedeny v instalační příručce: Pro rozhraní VOR/ILS/GPS indikátoru s GNS-430/530 je v zásadě vyžadován indikátor jiného typu než konvertor Poznámka: Následující indikátory lze připojit k sekundárnímu výstupu VOR/ILS GNS-430/530 (konektor P4006). Tento výstup poskytuje pouze informace VOR/ILS na indikátoru, nikoli informace o odchylce GPS. King KI-203, KI-204, KI-208 KI-209.
What is required to upgrade the Garmin GNS-400/500 series GPS units to include WAAS?
There are quite a few changes and issues that need to be addressed in reference to upgrading/modifying a GNS-400/500 series unit to include WAAS capability. It is strongly suggested that you go through an authorized Garmin dealer who has performed this modification/upgrade previously.
There are several installation and certification issues including review of the STC approval from Garmin. This STC includes appendices detailing the approved equipment that can be interfaced to the WAAS capable units as well as approved installation diagrams for these interfaces.
The upgrade from Garmin includes the necessary updating of the unit, WAAS antenna, and new IFR-W Jeppesen database. The existing GPS antenna is replaced with the WAAS antenna. This WAAS antenna utilizes the same mounting holes however it should be noted that it is physically larger than the original GA-56 GPS antenna that was included with all GNS-400/500 series units. Also, in regards to the antenna installation, RG-142B or RG-400 coaxial cable must be used.
Jednotky 400/500W s funkcí WAAS nabízejí oproti klasickým modelům mnoho nových funkcí a vylepšení. Některá vylepšení zahrnují anténu, přijímač a software s podporou WAAS. Jednotky řady 400W/500W splňují požadavky normy WAAS TSO C146a a obsahují hardwarové vylepšení s rychlejším mikroprocesorem. Součástí standardní výbavy je databáze terénu pro přehled o terénu. Nejdůležitější je, že přijímač GPS WAAS umožňuje pilotům používat jednotky GNS-400W/500W pro primární navigaci a vertikální navádění pro přiblížení LPV, L/VNAV a LNAV+V.
What does the WAAS upgrade add to the classic GNS-400/500 series units?
The hardware and software upgrade for WAAS to the classic GNS-400/500 series navigators adds FAA TSO C146a Gamma-3 certification. This upgrade and certification enables pilots to fly Lateral-Precision with Vertical guidance approaches and receive GPS navigation via the Wide Area Augmentation System.
Are there any additional benefits added to the GNS-400/500 series units during the WAAS upgrade?
Yes, some are noticeable and some are minor. The WAAS upgrade to the GNS-400/500 series units WAAS upgrade includes a faster 5Htz update rate on the GPS signal. Therefore, the GPS receiver in the unit is extracting GPS information 5 times per second instead of 1 time per second as with original units.
If the terrain advisory feature is installed on the 400/500 series unit, then the terrain information will have a higher resolution.
When the GDL69 datalink is interfaced to the WAAS upgraded units, the weather will cover the entire USA instead of just 250 miles. METARS are included in the waypoint section making it easier to see weather information for a particular destination. Installations using the GDL69A with music will now be able to view the title and artist name on the GNS display.
Lastly, the WAAS upgrade provides the ability to fly curved flight paths with a roll steering autopilot for pilots who wish to utilize DME arcs or full approaches.
Does the GNS430/530 need to be configured before use?
The Garmin GNS400/500 series units require setup and configuration before proper function and use. The system does not utilize a configuration module to allow easy removal and replacement of units while retaining the programmed configuration information. Therefore, if you are exchanging units in an aircraft, then you must have record of the configuration parameters to reprogram into the replacement unit.
What items are needed to install the GNS-430/430W/530/530W systems into my aircraft?
To utilize all of the functions of the GNS-430/430W/530/530W unit, the following items are required:
GPS antenna (usually included when system is purchased)
External CDI* for VOR/ILS navigation and glideslope information; required for IFR certification as well
Nav antenna* for VHF Nav functions
COMM antenna* for COMM functions
*These marked items are not included with the standard GNS system. Existing aircraft units may be interfaced however the GNS installation manual should be referenced for complete compatibility information.
As with all avionics installations, other general materials are required for installation but not supplied with the standard system. These materials could include but are not limited to wire, mounting screws, circuit breakers, tie wraps, ring terminals, coaxial cable, hand crimping tools, and crimp positioner/insertion/extraction tools.
What type of traffic systems will interface with and display on the Garmin GNS430/530 series systems?
The GNS-430/530 series units can accept information from any traffic advisory system with ARINC 429 transmit formats.
Can the original legacy Garmin GNS400/500 units be upgraded to HTAWS?
The Garmin HTAWS or Helicopter Terrain Awareness is only available for Garmin WAAS GPS receivers. The added GPS integrity, quality, and performance that WAAS GPS provides is needed to facilitate the helicopter terrain functions. Therefore, an original GNS430, GNC420, GPS400, GNS530, or GPS-500 navigator must be upgraded to WAAS or "W" status before HTAWS can be incorporated.
Can the standard GNS-430/530 and GNS-430W/530W units be upgraded to A versions?
No, Garmin does not offer an upgrade to incorporate the 16 watt comm. (i.e. "A" version) into the GNS-430/530 and GNS-430W/530W units.
Má GTN 650 interkom?
Ne, nemá. Vyžaduje audio panel nebo interkom
Je držák 650Xi přesně stejný jako držák 650?
Ano, bude používat stejný držák.
Může GTN-650 xi spolupracovat s GNX-375 pro zobrazení dat ADS-B o provozu a počasí přijatých GNX 375?
Ano, můžete propojit tyto dvě jednotky pro funkce ADS-B.
Lze to integrovat se Stratus ESG? Co když je to ESGi s ADS-B in? Bude ukazovat provoz a počasí?
ESGi je pro ADS-B IN, je navrženo pro spárování s iPadem pro zobrazení. V žádném z manuálů není zmínka o rozhraní s Garmin GTN.
Does the 650 require two GPS antennas to include the GS, like the 430W?
The GTN 650 only requires one antenna for the GPS. if you would like GS capability, you will need an approved VOR/LOC/GS antenna.
Ano, Garmin uvádí, že GTN 650 bude fungovat s autopilotem S-TEC 50.
Má Garmin GTN 650 Wi-Fi připojení bez nákupu Flight Stream?
Ne, pro nahrávání letových plánů musíte použít Flight Stream jednotku.
Lze data zadávat pomocí knoflíku na Garmin GTN 650 místo dotykového displeje pro použití v turbulentních podmínkách?
Ne, knoflíky na GTN 650 ovládají pouze frekvence Comm a Nav, knoflík není kurzor.
Bude tento Garmin GTN 650 fungovat s Garmin G5?
Ano, bude fungovat s G5. Pro správnou instalaci a další informace se můžete obrátit na manuál G5.
Umožní přenosný Garmin 796 přijímat dopravní informace a předpověď počasí společně s GTN 650 a GTX 345?
Ano, prostřednictvím Bluetooth na přístroji 796 a GTX 345.
Obsahuje model GTN-650 standardní přijímač klouzavého letu? Podporuje standardní CDI, který zahrnuje polohu a stav kluzáku? Pokud používáte přijímač GPS pro přiblížení LPV, vysílá GTN-650 vertikální polohu do CDI se sestupovou rovinou?
Řada GTN podporuje indikátory CDI se sestupovou rovinou. Vertikální indikace se zobrazují na kompatibilním CDI.
Je zařízení Garmin GTN 650 nebo některá z jeho součástí vyrobena v Číně?
Ne, abyste mohli získat TSO, musíte všechny součásti vyrábět v USA.
Mohu jednoduše vyměnit GNS 430 za GTN 650 tak, že vytáhnu GNS 430 z držáku a na jeho místo zasunu GTN 650?
Zařízení GTN 650 není náhradou za GNS 430 a ani držák není stejný.
Mohu nainstalovat GTN 650 a GNS 420W tak, aby spolupracovaly a vzájemně doplňovaly informace. Fungují také se stejným předplatným databáze?
V nadcházející aktualizaci softwaru Garmin 5.02 umožní GNS 420W křížové doplňování do GTN 650 (a pouze tímto směrem) a ano, jedná se o samostatné předplatné databáze.
Které transpondéry Garmin bude GTN750 ovládat, včetně typů s dálkovým ovládáním?
Nejlepší by bylo použít transpondéry série GTX, které budou fungovat s GTN.
Může GTN 750 Experimental ovládat SL70R?
Bohužel nemůže.
Je tato jednotka Garmin GTN 750 kompatibilní s dálkovým ADS-B in/out GTX345R jednotkou Garmin a může zobrazovat ADS-B provoz na ní?
Tato jednotka může pracovat s GTX345R a GTN zobrazí provoz a počasí z ADS-B IN.
Lze připojit tento Garmin GTN 750 k Dynon SV-HDX1100?
Ano, je to možné, ale budete potřebovat P/N: 101406-000, což je Skyview ARINC adaptér.
Ano, GTN 750 lze určitě připojit ke Garminu G3X. K plnému využití tohoto rozhraní byste potřebovali GAD 29. GAD 29 umožňuje vašemu G3X začlenit takové pokročilé funkce, jako je řízení GPS, vertikální navádění přiblížení WAAS LPV a další. Navigační data GPS jsou systému G3X poskytována prostřednictvím jednoho vstupu RS-232 a jednoho vstupu ARINC 429 pro každou jednotku GTN/GNS. Systém G3X odesílá letová data a informace o zvoleném kurzu zpět do GTN 750 prostřednictvím výstupu ARINC 429. Systém G3X používá další vstup ARINC 429 pro příjem odchylek VOR, lokalizace a sklonu od sítě GTN. Systém G3X Touch může také dálkově zobrazovat a ovládat rádia VHF COM, přičemž je lze ovládat přes GTN 750 nebo jejich vlastní panely na čelním panelu prostřednictvím stejného připojení RS-232 jako navigaci.
Can a Garmin GTR 200 be used in a light sport aircraft?
If the light sport is classified as E-LSA (experimental - light sport aircraft) this would be appropriate. If the aircraft is certified, this would not be approved, as this radio is for experimental aircraft only.
Is the Garmin GTR 225A a direct slide in replacement for Bendix king KX 155? Or you have to replace the rack, wiring and backplate as well?
No, this is not a slide in replacement. It will be a new install.
Do I have to purchase database updates to support the GTR225? I also will have a GTN750.
Yes, these databases can be purchased directly through Garmin. www.fly.garmin.com for the GTR 225. For the GTN 750, those are updated through Jepp.
How does the GTR 225 differ from my GTR 200?
The GTR 200 is for experimental aircraft where the GTR 225 is for certified aircraft. The GTR 200 has a high end stereo intercom where the GTR 225 has a basic mono intercom.
Does a 16watt unit require 28v or does a 16 watt unit achieve full 16 watt output on a 14v system?
PER GARMIN - Yes, the GTR will output the 10 or 16 watts at 9-33VDC.
Is the GNC 225 a slide-in replacement for the King 196?
No, the GNC 225 is not a slide-in replacement for the King 196.
Does the GTR225A actually achieve 10w transmit output on a 14v aircraft, or only on a 28v aircraft?
Yes, both versions output 10 Watts.
Is the GTX-325 a direct replacement for the GTX-327?
No. While the GTX-325 is a Mode C transponder replacement for the Mode C GTX-327, they have different connectors. The GTX-325 uses a 62 pin high-density connector while the GTX-327 has a standard 25 pin D-sub type connector.
I have a Garmin GTX-327 transponder and GNS-430 Non-WAAS. I am considering the FreeFlight RANGR Lite. Is this a good option?
Yes, the RANGR Lite is meant for owner/operators who do not have an ES (Extended Squitter) upgradeable transponder or WAAS GPS in their aircraft. The less expensive unit (TXL) is Transmit only while the other (XVRL) includes ADS-B In as well which will display (traffic and weather) on the GNS-430 but would be need to be interfaced.
I need a basic transponder antenna, which one should I buy?
Although some manufacturers call out specific transponder antennas in their installation manuals, almost any transponder antenna can be used with any transponder. Various models are available based on the screw hole pattern desired and the speed & drag considerations based on the aircraft type.
For smaller general aviation aircraft, Air Team recommends the stub type AV-22 or CI-101 antenna.
For medium to larger aircraft, Air Team recommends the blade type CI-105 or AV-74 antenna.
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the installer or installing agency to determine what antenna is suitable for the aircraft application.
Should a new transponder certification be performed if simply replacing an existing transponder?
Yes, anytime a transponder is removed or replaced an altitude correlation between what the transponder is reporting and what is displayed on the altimeter needs to be performed. This is outlined in FAA CFR Part 91.413. This regulation indicates that following any installation or maintenance of a transponder where data correspondence error could be introduced, the integrated system has been tested, inspected, and found to comply with paragraph (c), appendix E. Furthermore, these references indicate that an integration test between the altitude reporting equipment and transponder system must be conducted.
What issue exists between the GTX-327 suppression and some Bendix/King DME units?
While external suppression should be connected when a GTX-327 is installed into an aircraft with a DME, the GTX-327 suppression input/output is not compatible with the Bendix/King KN-62, KN-64, and KNS-80. These DMEs have an output only suppression port and can be damaged by the GTX-327 mutual suppression output. Therefore, the suppression pin should be left open. If the suppression line is connected between the GTX-327 and above King DME units then the DME will appear to be inoperative, display will be blank and will not transmit.
Will the Garmin GTX-327 digital transponder directly replace the analog GTX-320 and GTX-320 transponders?
Yes, the GTX-327 utilizes the same mounting rack and mating connector as the GTX-320 and GTX-320A. The GTX-327 offers a few additional features but matches the standard connection pins as the GTX-320 and GTX-320A.
What is the difference between the KA-44B -00 and -01?
In relation to the actual antenna assembly and function, there is no difference between the KA-44B P/N 071-1234-00 and 071-1234-01. When the KA-44B -01 originally shipped New from the factory, it included a grounding ring. This grounding ring can be obtained separately and is only listed in the installation manual. The grounding ring is not part permanently attached to the 071-1234-01 assembly and is not part of the -01 bill of materials.
What is the -02 version of the KA-44B?
If Quadrantal Error or QE exists in the KR-87 system, all KA-44B antennas have a compensation potentiometer to allow for adjustment. On the KA-44B P/N 071-1234-00 and -01 versions, the QE compensation pot is located to the side of antenna connector. On the KA-44B P/N 071-1234-02, the QE pot is accessible vertical from the surface just above and to the side of the connector.
What is the QE adjustment on the KA-44B?
QE or Quadrantal Error refers to any directional errors in the North, East, South, West quadrants that may exist due to the shape of the aircraft. Most ADF systems are factory adjusted to compensate for the average amount of quadrantal error. Therefore, little or no QE compensation adjustment should be required. If an error is encountered, a procedure of turning the aircraft and comparing the ADF indicator with a directional gyro or compass to determine the error is performed. This procedure will be detailed in the installation manual.
Can antennas from different ADF systems be interchanged?
No, common ADF systems such as the Bendix/King KR-87, KDF-806 and Collins ADF-60A, ADF-650A utilize their own unique antennas within the systems (i.e. KA-44B, ANT-60A/B, ANT-650A respectively). In addition, in most cases, these antennas are different sizes and have different hole patterns from each other.
Why should I replace my KA-51A slaving control with a KA-51B?
The KA-51A is the slaving control that was originally part of the KCS-55A compass system. It has since been replaced by the KA-51B, mainly due to durability problems with the faceplate mounting holes. Since introduction of the KA-51B, Bendix/King has ceased production of replacement parts for the KA-51A, thus making it virtually unrepairable.
Please note that the KA-51B is not a direct replacement for the KA-51A, but is an easily performed upgrade that only requires replacement of the connectors.
Is the KA-51B a direct replacement for the KA-51A?
No, the KA-51B slaving accessory is physically different and utilizes a different mating connector.
What is required to convert the older KCS-55 Compass System to the newer KCS-55A?
For the most part, the system wiring and connections are the same. The only wiring change needed pertains to the HSI unit. The KI-525 contained a Power flag instead of the standard Heading (HDG) flag as with the KI-525A. Therefore, pin P must be added to the existing KI-525 harness for the HDG flag in the KI-525A.
If the HSI is being upgraded to the -07 version of the KI-525A, then there is another pin that must be jumpered. Please see the KI-525A FAQ for more information on this matter.
The original KCS-55 system contained the KA-51A slaving accessory. This still can be utilized in the KCS-55A however it is recommended to upgrade to the KA-51B due to the age and lack of availability of service parts for the KA-51A. If the KA-51B is added, then a connector change would be required.
What is the purpose of a Slaving Meter in a Compass System?
On slaved compass systems, the HSI will automatically update its compass card with the flux detector which senses magnetic variation. The slaving meter will move slowly when the compass card is properly aligned with the magnetic compass.
Can the compensator portion of the Bendix/King KA-51B Slaving Accessory used in the KCS-55A Compass System be remotely mounted?
Yes. The KA-51B slaving accessory used in the KCS-55A compass system may be located remotely. An optional compensator kit is available for installations where the installer wants to use a different switch/meter arrangement. The compensator kit includes a compensator assembly which is basically the back half of the KA-51B. The kit also includes a mating connector and a special remote mounting plate for the compensator assembly. Mounting the compensator remotely allows the installer to easily adjust the E/W & N/S compensation without removing the KA-51B from the panel.
What rack do I use to mount the KAC-952 horizontally?
The KAC-952 has mounting flanges on 2 sides of the unit. The flanges on the bottom of the unit are to mount the unit vertically (i.e. straight up) or horizontally (on its side). These flanges are used to fit and secure the unit into the mounting rack P/N 071-04030-0000. Therefore, the same rack can be used to mount the unit either vertically or horizontally.
The KHF-950 I recently installed will not tune, what could be the problem?
Many of the tuning problems with the KHF-950 are related to improper antenna installation. Here are a few possibilities:
Poor connection on antenna feed thru.
Long wire broken (a wire can crack and not be visible because of the thick insulation)
For a short antenna run where the termination point is grounded, the ground may have become disconnected
The wire from the KAC-952 coupler to the antenna should only be 6 inches ideally. A length of 18 inches is the absolute maximum. If the antenna feedline is longer than this, the efficiency of the KAC-952 will be greatly reduced possibly causing tuning failures at certain frequencies.
In some cases, the KTR-953 could be at fault but not likely in most cases. If the tune cycle starts, then the KTR is providing ample power to the KAC. If the tune cycle never starts and the system immediately goes into tune faulty (beeping tone in headset) when the PTT is activated, then the KTR most likely is faulty.
Can the KAC-992 probe antenna coupler be used with a KHF-950 system?
No. The following is a detailed explanation of some of the technical aspects within the KHF-950 and KHF-990 that prevent the KAC-992 from being used in the KHF-950 system.
The standard KHF-950 consists of the KCU-951 Control, KTR-953 Receiver Exciter, and KAC-952 Power Amplifier/Coupler.
In the transmit mode of operation, the KTR-953 provides a low power (milliwatts) signal (at the selected frequency) to the KAC-952. This excitation signal is amplified in the KAC-952 to provide the rated output power (watts). The power amplifier is contained in the KAC-952. The KAC-952 also tunes the antenna to the desired frequency by electronically varying the antenna’s length.
The standard KHF-990 system consists of a KFS-594 control, KTR-993 R/T, and KAC-992 probe antenna coupler.
The receiver/exciter and power amplifier is contained in the KTR-993. The output of the KTR-993 is the amplified RF signal at the rated power (watts). The KAC-992 is strictly an antenna tuner and provides no amplification. Also, the KTR-953 would not provide the commands required to initiate the tuning cycle.
If the KTR-953 was installed with a KAC-992, the output of the KTR-953 would not supply adequate power to drive the KAC-992. Even if it was able to tune, the output power would be millwatts (1/1000) instead of a hundred watts.
Can the KHF-950 be installed into a helicopter?
Yes, with the appropriate equipment, hardware, antenna, and installation considerations.
Can antennas from different ADF systems be interchanged?
No, common ADF systems such as the Bendix/King KR-87, KDF-806 and Collins ADF-60A, ADF-650A utilize their own unique antennas within the systems (i.e. KA-44B, ANT-60A/B, ANT-650A respectively). In addition, in most cases, these antennas are different sizes and have different hole patterns from each other.
Can I use a remote DME indicator such as the KDI-572/573/574 with the panel mount KN-62/62A/64 DME units?
The data bus for the KDI-572 /573/574 indicators is available from the KN-62/62A/64 but there is no 192 volt output from these DME units to light the display of these DME indicators.
Does the KCS-55A or KG-102A provide 26 Volts AC power?
The KG-102A can supply 400 Hz power and eliminate the need for an additional inverter. Pins little p and t on the KG-102A provide the output. Please note that the KG-102A has a 5 VA maximum of 26VAC 400Hz power available. If more than 5VA is required, then an external inverter would be necessary.
What is the main difference between the Century NSD-360A HSI and Bendix/King KCS-55A systems?
The Century NSD-360A is vacuum driven while the KCS-55A is electrically driven.
What is the maximum drift rate for the KG-102A and KSG-105 directional gyros?
The maximum drift rate for the KG-102A and KSG-105 directional gyro is 1 degree per minute.
What is required to convert the older KCS-55 Compass System to the newer KCS-55A?
For the most part, the system wiring and connections are the same. The only wiring change needed pertains to the HSI unit. The KI-525 contained a Power flag instead of the standard Heading (HDG) flag as with the KI-525A. Therefore, pin P must be added to the existing KI-525 harness for the HDG flag in the KI-525A.
If the HSI is being upgraded to the -07 version of the KI-525A, then there is another pin that must be jumpered. Please see the KI-525A FAQ for more information on this matter.
The original KCS-55 system contained the KA-51A slaving accessory. This still can be utilized in the KCS-55A however it is recommended to upgrade to the KA-51B due to the age and lack of availability of service parts for the KA-51A. If the KA-51B is added, then a connector change would be required.
What is the function of the course datum synchro?
Available as an option in some navigation CDIs, the course datum synchro is useful for autopilot interface. Course datum provides course information to the autopilot for use to compute VOR intercepts.
Is it true that the KI-202, KI-203, KI-204, and KI-206 are not repairable if they are below serial number 10000?
No, units with serial numbers below 10000 can be repaired. However, is it rather expensive due to the meter replacement kit needed to repair these units. We would suggest that you purchase a newly overhauled unit with a serial number above 10000.
My KI-203 / KI-204 indicator seems to be off several degrees, what should I do?
As per the installation manual, if an error of greater than 2 degrees exists when testing with a ramp tester, then VOR centering is changed behind the left mounting screw with the proper adjustment tool. This procedure is detailed in the Installation Manual for these units.
What is the difference between the Garmin GI-106A & the Honeywell KI-206 VOR/GS Indicators?
They have the same functions; the only difference is that the GI-106A has annunciators on the front panel to indicate the source of the received information. See images below for more comparison details.
Ne, KI-207 nemá OBS resolver, takže režim OBS v GPS s ním nebude fungovat. KI-207 je určen jako indikátor opakovače.
How does the KI-229 RMI work?
The KI-229 Radio Magnetic Indicator provides bearing information to both ADF and VOR stations through the use of 2 pointers. Each pointer is read against a compass card. The servo driven compass card presents heading information derived from ARINC X, Y, Z compass headings. The double pointer is dedicated to an ADF DC SIN/COS source. The single pointer is interfaced to VOR information.
What are the advantages of installing an RMI over an ADF indicator?
The use of a Radio Magnetic Indicator in an aircraft offers several benefits that improve navigation situational awareness and pilot workload.
A very basic ADF indicator without a moveable compass card simply points to a selected beacon. The pilot must calculate the bearing needed based on the aircraft's current heading. Most if not all ADF indicators without a knob to turn the compass ca rd are very old and obsolete.
Most ADF indicators include a knob to turn the present heading so that the bearing to the beacon can be read against the compass card.
The RMI provides all of the ADF indicator functions with automatic rotation of the compass card via the aircraft's compass system. Therefore, whenever the aircraft turns then the compass card will turn.
An RMI always automatically points to the bearing to a beacon. This is a more logical form of indication even over VOR type of navigation since there is no OBS, To-From, radials, etc.
More advanced RMI indicators offer even more flexibility and features by offering dual needle for ADF and VOR bearing and multiple ADF/VOR navigation.
Is there another indicator that directly replaces the KI-226?
No, but the newer Bendix/King KI-229 provides all of the same features, interfaces and more compared to the KI-226. Originally manufactured in the 1970s, the KI-226 is obsolete, unavailable, and not supportable.
Do I need 26V AC to operate the KI-229 RMI in my aircraft?
From time to time, customers who are installing KI-229 RMIs will need a 26VAC inverter to operate the RMI in their aircraft. 26VAC is required to excite the KI-229. The Mid-Continent MD26-28 inverter is recommended.
What is the difference between a slaved and un-slaved compass system?
A slaved compass system, when installed in an aircraft, is continuously corrected by the remotely connected magnetic direction sensing device (usually a flux valve). An un-slaved system is corrected manually by using a knob on the panel mounted unit to set the compass card. The NSD360 is an un-slaved compass system; it has a knob on the bottom right side to set the compass card. With this particular model, the knob is a push button that needs to pushed & turned at the same time to set the card. On the other hand, the KI-525A is a slaved compass system without a manual compass card set button.
What is "bootstrap" mean in reference to an HSI?
Certain versions of the KI-525A include a bootstrap heading synchro transmitter. This synchro outputs a voltage per degree of heading rotation. This output is provided to be a source of slaved heading information for external systems such as autopilots, flight directors, stormscopes or any other device that might need a magnetic heading reference. The term "boostrap" refers to the amplified repeated heading from the system heading reference and synchro transmitter.
What is a Heading Bug?
On select DG and HSI instruments, the selected heading is marked by an orange heading bug that can be moved to any point around the perimeter of the compass card. As the aircraft's heading changes, the bug rotates with the compass card altering the pilot to the difference between the selected heading and the actual aircraft heading. The heading bug may also be coupled to the autopilot thus producing off heading signals.
Is the KI-825 Electronic HSI a direct replacement for existing KI-525A HSIs?
No. Although, the KI-825 uses the same two 41 pin type connectors that the KI-525 has, there are several wiring differences between them. Also, the KI-825 has a third 50 pin connector that is used for the expanded features of the KI-825 such as Nav/GPS switching. The KI-825 utilizes a configuration module to store settings and parameters that must be programmed into the KI-825 to use the additional functions and features of it.
Can the newer King KI-525A HSI units (i.e. -07) directly replace the older KI-525A units (i.e. -00, -01)?
Yes, however one connector pin needs to be jumpered. One basic difference between the older KI-525A units and the newer units is the OBS resolver. The older units contain a 30 Hz resolver only. The newer style units contain a 30 or 400 Hz resolver. Therefore, if you are replacing an older unit with a newer unit, you must jumper pin a to pin S in the bottom connector. For example, this will allow the new style -07 unit to be used in place of the -00,-01 and -04 units which are no longer in production. Furthermore, if you are replacing a -00 or -04 unit without bootstrap synchro with a -07 unit with bootstrap synchro, the synchro is simply not connected and does not function. However, this is a very easy connection if one plans to use the snychro in the future with systems that require a heading input. For a complete breakdown of the different KI-525A part numbers, please see the bottom of the KI-525A page.
Are KMT-112 flux valves repairable?
No, KMT-112 flux valves are sealed and cannot be serviced or have parts replaced. The unit must be replaced when/if it fails.
What is the meaning of the terms Nav, Comm and Nav/Comm?
Navigation (Nav) and Communication (Comm) radio receivers and transceivers are available as separate, individual radios or as a combined Nav/Comm unit.
A Nav/Comm unit is sometimes more economical in price than the 2 separate Nav and Comm radios and usually requires less panel space.
Obviously, one disadvantage to the combined Nav/Comm unit is in the case of unit failure you lose both nav and comm functions since the entire unit is removed
What is CNI5000 in reference to Bendix/King Silver Crown avionics?
The CNI5000 is a system primarily used in the Cessna Citation Jet (CJ). This system utilized a main panel faceplate assembly for all communication, navigation, and transponder units. The radios (w/o bezels) install from the rear of the assembly. Therefore, CNI5000 versions of the Silver Crown product line (i.e. KN-53 -04, KT-70 -1101, KT-71 -6101, KY-196A -50, KY-196B -0201) do not have a bezel so that the radios can be installed in a stand alone installation. Furthermore, the CNI5000 radios have 5 volt lighting.
The frequency does not change when I pull the knob on my KN-62A, what could be the problem?
This defect is usually caused by the breaking of the switch connected to the knob. If the unit is mishandled on the right side or pushed into the rack by the knob assembly, the flex and torque on the connected assembly will break the switch assembly. Extra care should be exercised when installing this unit to ensure that the switch assembly is not damaged.
Will the Garmin AT SL30 Nav/Comm interface with a DME?
Yes, but in most cases, the DB30 adapter from Garmin AT is necessary. The SL30 does not output a standard DME format in relation to most vintage and standard DME systems. The DB30 takes the format from the SL30 and allows for the interface to King and Collins DME units. Some of these interfaces include BCD, 2x5 code, and Slip Code. It should be noted that the DB30 2x5 tuning interface is not compatible with the ARC/Cessna RTA-476A or Narco DME transceivers.
What are the main differences between the KN-62/62A/64 DME units?
The differences between the KN-62, KN-62A, and KN-64 units are the TSO and output power ratings. The KN-62 is not TSO'd and has 100 watts nominal power output. The KN-62A is TSO'd and has 100 watts nominal power output. The KN-64 is not TSO'd and has 50 watts nominal power output.
How does Mod 6 relate to the KN-63 DME when installing with a Garmin G1000 system?
Service Bulletin 6 for the KN-63 provides an internal pull up and diode isolation for the hold line on installations that do not include a master indicator such as the KDI-572, KDI-574, or KPI-553A.
I currently have a KN-65 DME that needs to be replaced, should I buy another KN-65 or consider upgrading?
Until the used market completely dries up, you can still find someone who will sell you a KN-65. The KN-65 may have been a cost effective, reliable unit at one time but unfortunately its time has passed. Most older avionics units have become increasingly challenging to repair as the manufacturers discontinue support and cut off the supply of service parts. Likewise, even if you can find a KN-65 in working condition, it usually has little or no warranty.
Instead of continuing to invest your money in obsolete technology and delaying the inevitable, Southeast Aerospace suggests upgrading to the KN-63. Investing in the KN-63 will provide you with a DME that includes warranty and support for many years to come.
Can 2 indicators be used with 1 KRA-405B radar altimeter?
Yes, the KRA-405B is capable of driving dual indicators. All lines to the indicators can be paralleled including pins A, M, A (underline), and T.
What details should I inquire about or consider when purchasing a KNI-582?
The quality and reliability of the KNI-582 indicator is greatly affected by the age of the unit. Older units develop cracks in the gear plate and/or contain compass card motors that are no longer available from Bendix/King Honeywell. KNI-582 Service Aid 102 addresses the replacement of the existing compass card motor with a new style motor. In order to replace the older style DC motor (P/N 148-05051-0000), you must also replace other parts such as the gear plate since the newer style motor is physically different.
When a cracked motor plate is encountered, some shops opt to try and repair the plate by gluing it instead of replacing it. Likewise, you may encounter KNI-582 units with loud compass card motors. Once again, some shops may certify the unit with a loud motor to avoid the expense of replacing the old style motor according to Service Aid 102 as mentioned above. As expected, a loud compass card motor is a sign of an older motor that is wearing out or even possibly not working as it should.
Can the Glideslope (GS) needle on the nav indicator connected to the KNR-634A be stowed out of view when not in use?
Yes. Please follow these instructions to set up the GS needle position in VOR mode.
Remove power to the KNR-634A unit
Locate the flat head screw on the lower left side of the unit with the connectors
Remove the screw and locate the black switch inside (note: switch is delicate)
For the GS bars to In View in VOR mode, set the switch in the Down position
For the GS bars to be Out of View in VOR mode, set the switch in the Up position.
Can the KNR-634A P/N 066-1078-10 replace the -14?
Yes, the only version of the Bendix/King KNR-634A Navigation Receiver still manufactured by Honeywell is Part Number 066-1078-10. This -10 version supersedes all other versions of the KNR-634A. As indicated in the related technical publications, -10 configuration includes the nav receiver, converter, marker beacon receiver, glideslope receiver and XYZ RMI card for RMI output. Earlier versions of the -14 and above did not include the RMI output. All other connections and interfaces remain the same.
If my KPI indicator does not have a course knob, can I still use it with a modern NAV system?
No, a KPI without course knob (Digital 400 Hz Resolver version) is not compatible with modern NAV systems.
If you are currently using a KPI version without a course knob, in combination with a controller, you must upgrade your KPI. A KPI with a course knob is required to utilize a newer NAV system, such as the GNS or GTN series displays.
Is it possible for the KR-21 Marker Beacon Receiver to drive external lights?
Yes, KR-21 units S/N 4051 include Service Aid 102 that enables the KR-21 to drive additional marker lights. In addition, Service Aid 102 can be incorporated to KR-21 units above S/N 1350. The Service Aid involves adding and jumpering wires inside the unit.
What is the difference between the Silver Crown and Silver Crown Plus (+) version of the KR-87?
The Silver Crown + has a different bezel style than the original Silver Crown. All Silver Crown + bezels are backlit so that the lettering on the faceplate can be seen at night.
Do the -01 versions for the KI-227 and KI-228 replace the need for an RMI?
Not completely. The -01 versions include a stepper motor that is driven from the directional gyro within the compass system. Therefore, when the aircraft turns, both the compass card on the HSI and ADF indicator will turn accordingly. Unlike an RMI, however, these ADF indicators must be synchronized to the HSI compass card by rotating the SYNC knob until its heading matches the HSI. An RMI automatically updates the heading on the compass card.
I currently have a KR-85 ADF that continues to give me trouble, should I buy another KR-85 or consider upgrading?
Until the used market completely dries up, you can still find someone who will sell you a KR-85. The KR-85 may have been a cost effective, reliable unit at one time but unfortunately its time has passed. Most old avionics units become increasingly challenging to repair as the manufacturers discontinue support and cut off the supply of service parts. Likewise, even if you can find a KR-85 in working condition, it usually has little or no warranty.
Instead of continuing to invest your money in obsolete technology and delaying the inevitable, Air Team suggests upgrading to the KR-87 ADF. Investing in the KR-87 will provide you with an ADF that includes warranty and support for many years to come. Plus, since the KR-87 is smaller it will free up valuable panel space in your aircraft.
The flight timer on my new KR-87 is different than what I am used to, what could be the problem?
KR-87 receivers with serial numbers above 10999 or with Mod 3 have incorporated a change in flight timer operation. Instead of the flight timer resetting to zero by an external switch, the flight timer will stop and hold on the accumulated time. The only way to reset the flight timer to 0 in such units is to turn the KR-87 off and then back on. This method of operation will enable those who have the flight timer connected to the landing gear or squat switch to be able to note their flight time after landing. If this feature is not desired, simply leave pins J and K on the KR-87 rear connector open. This will cause the flight timer to begin counting when the KR 87 is turned on and will continue until it is turned off or the power is removed.
Is the KR-87 capable of driving 2 indicators?
In 28 Volt aircraft installations, Service Bulletin 6 can be incorporated into the KR-87 to drive 2 KI-227 ADF indicators.
What is a stripline?
The "stripline" in all avionics equipment is an assembly that operates in the microwave frequency range (usually.3 GHZ to 30 GHZ) in the RF assembly of the unit. It contains all stages that operate in that range, such as Local Oscillators, RF amplifiers, heterodyne mixers, transmission lines (called waveguides).
Avionics components such as DMEs, transponders, radio altimeters, and weather radars commonly include stripline assemblies.
What is the difference between a radar altimeter and a radio altimeter?
In civilian aviation, these two terms are used interchangeably and essentially mean the same. They both can be abbreviated as "Rad Alt" sometimes as well.
This system measures the between an aircraft and the ground directly below it. "Radar" or Radio Detection and Ranging is the principle by which the system operates. That is, a signal is transmitted towards the ground and then received back for processing. The time the signal takes to reflect back to the aircraft is timed and this is how the altitude is measured. The signal that is transmitted is a radiowave. Thus, this is perhaps this is the reason why some may use the term "Radio Altimeter" instead of "Radar Altimeter".
The needle on the radio altimeter is jumping by hundreds of feet, what could be the problem?
Large needle fluctuations is a problem commonly seen when a helicopter is hovering over a soft, diffused surface such as grass. Needle jumps are usually less than 50 feet but can range from hundreds to a thousand feet. Once the helicopter moves forward, the radio altimeter should operate normally again. This needle jumping occurs because the radio altimeter is experiencing decreases in received signal strength. Over a soft, diffused surface, the signal reflection consists of hundreds of small weak reflections with different time and phase, directional qualities. These differences cause cancellations in the total return signal and cause the needle to jump.
To correct this needle jumping, some radio altimeters have an extended dB STC range. This extended range provides an additional receiver gain that can reduce the decreases in signal strength. However, the additional dB gain increase can subsequently increase the potential for display lockup caused by poor isolation between the antennas.
My radio altimeter indicator is indicating between 0-2500 feet at altitude between 18000-20000 feet, what could be the problem?
Sometimes a pilot may report that the radio altimeter may start indicating altitudes in the rad alt range (0-2500 ft.) at altitudes between 18000-20000 feet. This frequently occurs when flying over a reflective surface such as calm water. What occurs with second time around acquisition is that the receiver detects a return signal that was transmitted two pulses earlier not the transmitted signal it should be receiving. The time between transmitted pulses is equal to a distance in the 18000-20000 ft. range. Therefore, the receiver may process it as though it was signal it was actually trying to receive and then display the incorrect altitude.
My radio altimeter indicator is locked up between 5-50 feet, what could be the problem?
Display lockup is a commonly encountered problem where the indicator locks up at a low indicated altitude between 5-50 feet. Some pilots will report that the radio altimeter will work normally at low altitudes but after climbing above a certain altitude the indicator locks up. Once the aircraft descends past the locked altitude, the radio altimeter works normally again.
In almost all cases, the cause of lockup is excessive signal leakage between the receive and transmit antennas. Signal leakage is commonly caused by the following situations:
Antenna reflections hitting an object below the fuselage such as landing gear, skids, or searchlights.
Poor ground plane between the antennas and the airframe, antennas not mounted on the same piece of metal, or antennas mounted on composite material.
My radio altimeter is operating erratically, what could be the problem?
Dirty antennas can sometimes cause poor or erratic operation of the radio altimeter system. Especially during winter months, some aircraft's nose wheel's throw dirt and slush onto the antenna. As a preventative measure to keep the antennas clean, a quality aircraft wax can be applied to the antenna.
What is the altitude accuracy for the KRA-405 system?
+/- 5 ft (1.5m) or +/- 5% (whichever is greater) at 0-500 ft and +/- 7% at 500-2000 ft
What is the difference between the KRA-405 -00 and -02 versions?
There is no difference in the specifications of the KRA-405 P/N 066-1048-00 and -02 versions other than that the -00 has two altitude trips and the the -02 has three altitude trips.
Also, the -00 provides 2 altitude trip points at 200 and 500 feet. The -02 provides 3 altitude trip points at 200, 500, and 1200 feet. These altitude trip points are factory settings.
Is the CM-2000 configuration module required to be used with the KRA-405B?
No, the configuration module is an option that is only needed for installations that require the trip points to be set to a value other than the factory settings, or for installations requiring a zero feet offset.
The installer may alter some of the operational characteristics of the KRA-405B by installing a CM-2000 that has been programmed with custom preferences. These preferences include the threshold altitudes for the 3 Altitude Trip Points and a selectable offset to be applied to all altitude outputs. If these parameters are inconsequential to the installation or the factory presets are acceptable, the CM- 2000 should not be installed with the KRA-405B.
Why is Mod 1 important on the KG-102A gyro capsule?
Mod 1 for the KG-102A gyro capsule (P/N 060-0016-00) incorporates mechanical locking devices on the spin motor assembly and bearing end play adjustments. Quite simply, this modification should be incorporated when the gyro requires maintenance since service parts for gyros not containing this mod are no longer available.
The modification itself consists of installing a redesigned outer gimbals assembly and housing cap with a new bearing retainer and lock nut. The old style had glued in bearings.
The parts kit for installing this Mod is not cost prohibitive. However, due to the labor required to install the kit, the parts and labor cost exceed the gyro value in most cases.
Gyro capsules with serial numbers above 21390, KG-102A assemblies S/N 17698+, and KSG-105 assemblies S/N 3642+ should have had Mod 1 incorporated during original manufacturing. On such units, please note that Mod 1 is not marked on the dataplate(s).
Is the KT-73 Datalink Transponder a direct replacement for the KT-76A Transponder?
No. The Bendix/King KT-73 Level 2 Datalink Transponder uses a different mounting rack and installation kit from the KT-76A. However, the KT-73 does use the same mounting rack as the KT-76C.
Will the KT-73 Level 3 Datalink transponder be utilized for enroute as well as terminal ATC usage?
No. The KT-73 Level 3 Datalink transponder will only be used for terminal areas not enroute air traffic control. Congested terminal areas poses the greatest challenge for ATC maintaining safe separation and tracking of aircraft.
What is required to interface the Honeywell (Bendix/King) KT-73 Transponder to the KMD-550/850 MFD for traffic display?
The KAC-504 traffic module must be installed into the KMD-540 MFD unit (P/N 066-04035-XX0X) to display the traffic information from the KT-73 TIS/Mode S transponder. It should be noted that the Traffic Information Service (TIS) is currently only available in certain areas of the United States.
What details need to be considered when upgrading the KT-70, KT-71, KT-76A, or KT-76C to the KT-73 and interfacing to the KMD-550/850 MFD?
The KT-73 will fit into most of KT-70/71/76A/76C mounting racks and utilizes the same main connector. However, there are other factors to consider. First, the KT-73 rack includes a configuration module that will store aircraft parameters for the Mode S function. This configuration module is located in the silver box on the right side of the rack. In addition, the configuration module has a male connector which can be seen when you peel off the silver tape from the box. The designation of this connector is JKT73-4.
All of the TIS (traffic) interface connections for the KMD-550/850 interface are not located on the main connector of the KT-73 (JKT73-1). The TIS ARINC 429 data is output from the KT-73 into the KMD-540 MFD and then output from the KMD-540 into the small config module connector. The small mating connector for JKT73-4 can be purchased separately however it is more cost effective to simply purchase the entire KT-73 installation kit for this scenario.
In conclusion, when upgrading the KT-70/71/76A/76C transponder to the KT-73 with the intention of interfacing to the KMD-550/850 MFD for TIS traffic, you must purchase the correct KT-73 mounting rack and installation kit.
Does the KT-73 transponder comply with the 2020 ADS-B mandate?
No, the KT-73 does not meet ADS-B requirements. Previously, the KT-73 could be interfaced to the KMD-540 MFD for display of TIS traffic when operating an aircraft in area with TIS coverage. As of 2013, Bendix/King is working on a replacement for the KT-73 that will comply with the ADS-B mandate.
Is the King KT-76A Transponder a direct replacement for the older KT-76 transponder?
No. The KT-76A uses a different mounting rack and installation kit than the KT-76. A rack and connector change is necessary for this upgrade.
Is the KT-73 Datalink Transponder a direct replacement for the KT-76A Transponder?
No. The Bendix/King KT-73 Level 2 Datalink Transponder uses a different mounting rack and installation kit from the KT-76A. However, the KT-73 does use the same mounting rack as the KT-76C.
What type of faceplate / bezel assembly does the KT-76A have and what is this important?
The KT-76A has a plastic bezel assembly which contains the selector switches for ATC code input. This faceplate is held onto the radio assembly by 4 screws. When the faceplate ages, is mishandled or secured too tightly, this plastic bezel can crack. If left cracked and with continued usage, this faceplate can eventually become separated from the transponder thus increasing the possibility of erroneous transponder performance.
What is the difference between the Silver Crown and Crown Series version of the KT-76A?
The Silver Crown version has silver trim lining the outside of the faceplate. The Crown Series version has a completely black bezel with no silver trim lining. There is no functional difference between these 2 units. Both utilize the same mounting rack and connector.
I cannot locate a KT-78A transponder, what can I replace it with?
The KT-78A is simply a low power version of the popular KT-76A transponder. The KT-78A peak power is 113 watts minimum while 200 watts for the KT-76A. The KT-78A was originally designed for low flying aircraft that operated in very local areas such as crop dusting (agriculture) applications. Both the KT-76A and KT-78A are 14 volt radios that utilize the same mounting rack and connector. Therefore, the higher power KT-76A is an ideal direct replacement for the KT-78A considering that the KT-78A has not been manufactured for many years and is therefore scarce on the used market.
What is the difference between the racks for the KT-76A and KT-76C?
The original KT-76A mounting rack Part Number is 047-03898-0002. The rack included with a new KT-76C is Part Number 047-09628-0004. Either unit will fit into either rack. Also, as a direct, slide-in replacement for the KT-76A, the KT-76C utilizes the same connector in the same rack position as the KT-76A.
Rack P/N 047-09628-0004 was also used with the KT-70 and KT-71 transponders. Therefore, the 047-09628-0004 rack included additional features such as a port for cooling fan connection and space for a configuration module.
Is the KT-76C a direct replacement for the KT-76A?
For the most part, the KT-76C is a direct fit and form replacement for the KT-76A. However, there are considerations when replacing a KT-76A that was installed into a 28V aircraft installation. The original KT-76A utilized a voltage changeover (i.e. dropping resistor) kit for the KT-76A to be installed to a 28V installation. The KT-76C was designed to operate from any input voltage of 11-33 VDC. Therefore, the dropping resistor is not needed for the KT-76C in a 28V aircraft. The original droppiong resistor is removed from the original KT-76C wiring harness. In addition, the harness fuse needs to be changed from 3A to 5A. If an RFI suppression adapter was installed originally, then it must be removed as well.
How do you change the VFR code on the KT-76C?
The VFR code can be programmed from the front panel of the KT-76C. Please follow these steps:
1. Select SBY (Standby) on the control knob 2. Enter the desired VFR code with ident code pushbuttons (0-7) 3. Press the "VFR" button while holding in the "IDT" button Note: Pressing and holding the "VFR" button for 2 seconds will retrieve the last non-VFR 4096 code
Why is the KT-76C not conducive to repairs?
Much of the KT-76C unit includes circuit boards assembled with surface mounted components or SMCs. By nature, surface mount devices or SMDs contain much smaller components with tighter placement on both sides of the board. Compared to circuit board assemblies with traditional through-hole mounting, SMDs can be much more difficult to repair on the component level given to small size and lead spacing of the SMCs.
Is there a 8.33 KHz spacing slide-in replaceable unit available for the Bendix/King KTR-908?
No, unfortunately, Honeywell did not address the 8.33 kHz issue for their KTR-908 as Collins did for their VHF-21/22 series radios. Southeast Aerospace suggests retrofitting the KTR-908 radios with the VHF-22C radios with CTL-22C controls.
Why is the mod level important on the KTR-953 and KAC-952 HF components?
Yes, the KTR-953 receiver/exciter and KAC-952 antenna coupler can be mounted in different locations but problems may be encountered as a result. When the KTR-953 and KAC-952 are mounted in different locations, transmitter distortion and common mode rejection can be encountered within the system. Other symptoms might include:
Display flashing intermittently when the user tries to tune the HF
Audio distorted when transmitting on AM or SSB
Output power low and varies when measured with wattmeter
If the KTR-953 and KAC-952 must be mounted more than 3 feet apart, then there are 3 Service Bulletins that should be incorporated into these units.
KTR-953 Service Bulletin 8 is effective for units S/N 29974 and below. This SB consists of removing several parts, install some wires, and mounting an feedback board into the unit
KAC-952 Service Bulletin 9 is effective for units S/N 14332 and below or units with an older control board. This SB consists of make changes to the ALC circuit.
KAC-952 Service Bulletin 10 is effective for units S/N 14884 and below or units with an older control board. This SB is a continuation of the modifications performed on KAC-952 SB 9 and consists of replacing several resistors and capacitors in the unit.
All 3 service bulletins are recommended for this installation condition. All 3 service bulletins are interdependent of each other and must all be installed for the system to function properly under these circumstances.
Is an STC required for an HF system installation?
In most cases, a Supplemental Type Certificate is not required for the installation of an HF system. Major changes or alterations to an aircraft may include those which affect weight, balance, structural aspects, reliability, operational characteristics, airworthiness characteristics, etc. Some major alterations can be performed using the FAA Form 337 with approved data. This approved data can be in the form of engineering data with a FAA designee approval (i.e. DER, DAR). The DER or DAR then issues an FAA Form 8110 which is considered approved data adequate to proceed with the installation.
HF installations in the USA are installed and approved in the method detailed above. STCs are not required for almost all HF installations since the change to the existing aircraft Type Certificate (TC) is not so intensive as to require one.
How does a Selcal decoder work and why is it necessary in an HF installation with Selective Calling capability?
Selective Calling or SELCAL is a technique by which an aircraft has a unique identifier and a ground station can contact the aircraft for communication. This eliminates the aircraft crew from monitoring the HF frequencies on a regular basis and the subsequent background noise as a result.
The High Frequency Communications system (HF) must have SELCAL capability to process the ground station contact and alert the crew through audio or visual means. One of the components in the SELCAL system is a decoder. The decoder allows a ground station equipped with tone encoding equipment to call the specific aircraft by transmitting 2 pairs of assigned audio tones. The decoder is set to respond to the specific code assignment set on the front of the decoder. Upon reception of the tone code, the decoder signals the HF system that a message is waiting through audio or visual means.
Decoders are available in remote and panel mount variations. Some decoders may have the ability to monitor as few as 2 communication radios or up to 5 simultaneously.
For the KHF-950 system, can the KTR-953 and KAC-952 be mounted in different locations in an aircraft?
Yes, the KTR-953 receiver/exciter and KAC-952 antenna coupler can be mounted in different locations but problems may be encountered as a result. When the KTR-953 and KAC-952 are mounted in different locations, transmitter distortion and common mode rejection can be encountered within the system. Other symptoms might include:
Display flashing intermittently when the user tries to tune the HF
Audio distorted when transmitting on AM or SSB
Output power low and varies when measured with wattmeter
If the KTR-953 and KAC-952 must be mounted more than 3 feet apart, then there are 3 Service Bulletins that should be incorporated into these units.
KTR-953 Service Bulletin 8 is effective for units S/N 29974 and below. This SB consists of removing several parts, install some wires, and mounting an feedback board into the unit
KAC-952 Service Bulletin 9 is effective for units S/N 14332 and below or units with an older control board. This SB consists of make changes to the ALC circuit.
KAC-952 Service Bulletin 10 is effective for units S/N 14884 and below or units with an older control board. This SB is a continuation of the modifications performed on KAC-952 SB 9 and consists of replacing several resistors and capacitors in the unit.
All 3 service bulletins are recommended for this installation condition. All 3 service bulletins are interdependent of each other and must all be installed for the system to function properly under these circumstances.
What HF antenna would be suitable for a Cessna Citation?
For most Cessna Citation models, the following Dayton Granger parts will serve as a suitable HF antenna:
5ARM300-11C Tension Unit
14379 Anti-Precip Wire (30 feet)
16390 Feedthru Assembly
3280 Anchor Kit
What is SELCAL?
SELCAL or Selective Calling is a function that allows a ground radio operator to alert an aircraft crew that the operator wishes to communicate with that aircraft. Because of the background noise level experienced on HF (High Frequency) radio frequencies, pilots usually prefer to turn down the audio level of their HF receiver until alerted via Selcal. When the ground station operator wants to communicate with the aircraft, they enter into the Selcal encoder the four letter code of that aircraft. This four letter code is usually included in the aircraft's flight plan and it is transmitted over the assigned radio channel. All aircraft monitoring that specific channel receive the Selcal broadcast but only those that have been programmed with that four letter code will respond by sounding a chime or some other alert for the crew.
What do I need to use a 28 volt KX-155 in a 14 volt aircraft?
A power converter or booster is required to provide enough power to increase the 14 volts from the aircraft to 28 volts to operate the KX-155. The max amperage needed is 6.0 A for the transmit portion of the KX-155 and KX-165. Therefore, we recommend the Ameri-King AK-550-6.
Can a VOR/LOC converter board be added to the KX-155 so it will function like a KX-165?
There is no Service Bulletin that approves the modification of a KX-155 to add a VOR/LOC converter. The main PC boards in the KX-155 and KX-165 are different thus allowing for one to have converter capabilities (i.e. KX-165) and one to not have this capability (KX-155). Any KX-155 that has a VOR/LOC converter board is a Suspected Unapproved Part (SUP) and should not be installed into a certified aircraft.
What is the PULL RAD knob on the KX-165?
The smaller concentric knob on the Nav side of the KX-165 has a PULL RAD label on it. When this knob is pulled, a radial mode for the KX-165 is enabled where the right hand window of the NAV display indicates the bearing FROM a station. In addition, a digital warning flag is activated when weak signals are present. Also, when an ILS frequency is selected, the digital flag is displayed in the radial window.
What is meant by 50 kHz (i.e. narrow vs. wide) receiver selectivity?
This does not pertain to the comm selector channel spacing.
With the evolution and growth of airborne travel and the necessity for more usable frequencies in the VHF communications spectrum, the "channel" spacing became smaller. To avoid interference between channels the bandwidth of the RF stages was decreased from 50khz to 25khz. In doing so, another problem was introduced. If the ground transmitter or the air to air transmitter was not capable of tighter frequency tolerances, it was possible the 25khz RF selectivity would not allow the receive signal to pass and the aircraft crew could miss critical voice communications.
Due to the presence of older, outdated equipment in some countries, some manufacturers (namely Bendix/King and Collins) produced VHF comm radios with the 50khz receiver selectivity. With the recent mandates and technological advancements in Europe and South America, the requirements for the 50khz versions has diminished. If an operator were to use a 50khz version radio in the position of a 25khz, they would potentially have channel crossover and or an increase in background noise.
Are there any compatibility issues with the Bendix/King KA-120 DME/GS adapter when interfacing to the KX-125/155/165 Nav/Comms?
Yes. Air Team recommends that Service bulletin 1 and 2 be complied with on the KA-120 when the adapter is being installed on a new installation.
Service Bulletin 1 corrects an impedance mismatch between the new generation KX-155 and KX-165 Nav/Comms that utilize surface mount technology. KA-120 with serial number 1845 and above have Service Bulletin 1 incorporated during original manufacturing.
Service Bulletin 2 corrects a serial tuning bus incompatibility when interfacing the KA-120 with a KX-125 and with new generation KX-155 and KX-165 surface mount units (post Mod 16 units). KA-120 with serial number 2819 and above have Service Bulletin 2 incorporated during original manufacturing. Honeywell does offer warranty credit for any KA-120 S/N 2818 and below that requires this modification. An authorized Honeywell Service Center must perform the modification and submit the warranty claim.
Why is there no Standby frequency on my KX-155A/165A COMM display?
On the KX-155A and KX-165A radios, only the active part of the COMM display is visble while in direct tune mode. This mode is also called ACTIVE ENTRY is another method of entering an operating frequency into the radio and is accessed by pushing and holding the COMM transfer button for 2 or more seconds.
What is the 8.33 in relation to avionics?
8.33 refers to the kilohertz (kHz) channel spacing for VHF communications radios required in certain types of airspace. Normal channel spacing for VHF comm radios is 25 kHz. Currently, 8.33 kHz channel spacing is only required above FL195 (19500 ft.) in the ICAO European region as of 15 March 2007.
8.33 channel spacing was introduced and implemented to help reduce VHF communication overlap and congestion in high traffic areas in Europe. With dividing 25 kHz by 3 (thus 8.33), many new communication frequencies were created. Only very specific radio equipment is capable of channeling, transmitting, and receiving in 8.33 kHz increments. Some of the more popular systems include the Rockwell Collins VHF-21/22/422/C/D and Bendix/King KX-165A (-0201), KY-196B. The Garmin GNS-430/530 series systems are capable of 8.33 also.
Is the KY-196B 8.33 VHF comm a direct replacement for the KY-196 or KY-196A VHF Comm?
The KY-196B VHF Comm with 8.33 kHz channel spacing can directly replace the KY-196A VHF comm with no mounting rack or connector changes. The KY-196 uses a different rack and connector from the A models so it cannot be directly replaced by the KY-196B.
Can the Garmin GTR-225 radios be used in place of the BendixKing KY-196A/B radios?
Yes but there are installation factors to consider. It is very enticing to overwhelmingly consider the Garmin GTR-225 radios over the BendixKing KY radios since the Garmin radios can be puchased at a fraction (50%+) of the cost of the BendixKing radios. We are referring to New radios not used/reconditioned. However, it should be noted that the Garmin radios are approximately .3 inches higher than the KY radios. The rear mount cutout height for the KY radios is 1.30"; front mount is 1.35". The Garmin GTR cutout is 1.65" for rear mount and 1.77" for front mount.
Je dokovací stanice Commander GNS 430 kompatibilní s GPS Garmin 400W?
Podle výrobce: Ano, Commander pro GNS 430 je kompatibilní s Garmin 400W.
Dodává se Garmin GTN 650 s instalační sadou a držákem?
Garmin GTN 650 se dodává s instalační sadou a držákem.
Pokud jde o GPS / NAV / COMM SYSTEM GARMIN GTN 650: Jaké oblasti pokrývá databáze pro Ameriku a mezinárodní databáze? Pokud si vyberete Ameriku, můžete později provést aktualizaci na mezinárodní databázi?
Databáze Americas zahrnuje Severní a Jižní Ameriku. Mezinárodní verze pokrývá všechny kontinenty. Databázi můžete kdykoli aktualizovat.
Budu moci po zakoupení aktualizovat databázi GPS v přístroji Garmin GTN 650 na mezinárodní? V současné době je v plánu používat letadlo pouze ve Spojených státech, ale pokud bych si přál vzít ho do zámoří, bylo by to možné?
Ano, podle společnosti Garmin můžete databázi aktualizovat kdykoli po zakoupení.
Dodává se Garmin GTN-650 s SD kartou Software Loader, která umožňuje aktualizace firmwaru a konfiguraci systému? Pokud ne, jak ji získat? Jaká je cena?
The GTN 650 obsahuje datovou kartu. Informace o databázi je třeba získat od instalačního dealera Garmin.
Je externí chladicí ventilátor zobrazený v instalačním manuálu (Tabulka 3-13 a Obrázek E-2) součástí nákupu GTN-650?
Ano, s jednotkou je dodáván chladicí ventilátor.
Nejsem si jistý, co znamená poznámka o experimentálních letadlech. Bude GPS GTN-650 fungovat s mým autopilotem STEC55 a je považována za plně WAAS s WAAS zobrazením na indikátoru klouzavého svahu? Co vlastně tato poznámka znamená...a jak tato poznámka dělá GTN-650 GPS odlišnou od podobných jednotek jako je 430W?
Tuto jednotku můžeme prodávat pouze pro instalaci do experimentálních letadel. Pro certifikované instalace budete muset zakoupit GTN 650 od avionického instalačního obchodu, který bude pracovat na letadle.
Můžete podrobně popsat, co je zahrnuto v kabeláži GTN 650 o délce 4 stopy?
Připojujeme konektory GPS, COM a NAV.
Zahrnuje GTN 650 datovou a terénní kartu?
Navigační data a terén jsou oba zahrnuty v datové kartě GTN 650.
Je datová karta součástí GTN 650, nebo ji musím koupit samostatně?
To bude zahrnovat buď kartu Americas nebo International.
Při nákupu GTN 650 dodáte vše potřebné pro kompletní instalaci A provoz jednotky GTN 650? Nebo je třeba zakoupit něco dalšího, předplatné nebo cokoliv jiného před tím, než bude jednotka schopná být nainstalována nebo provozována? Pokud ano, co dalšího je potřeba zakoupit?
Ano, jednotka bude obsahovat vše potřebné pro instalaci. Jednotku můžete aktualizovat podle potřeby kdykoliv.
Při nákupu GTN 650 dodáte vše potřebné pro kompletní instalaci a provoz jednotky GTN 650? Nebo je třeba zakoupit něco dalšího, předplatné nebo cokoliv jiného před tím, než bude jednotka schopná být nainstalována nebo provozována? Pokud ano, co dalšího je potřeba zakoupit?
Ano, jednotka bude obsahovat vše potřebné pro instalaci. Jednotku můžete aktualizovat podle potřeby kdykoliv.
Potřebuje GTN 650 dvě GPS antény k zahrnutí GS, jako má 430W?
GTN 650 potřebuje pouze jednu anténu pro GPS. Pokud chcete funkci GS, budete potřebovat schválenou anténu VOR/LOC/GS.
Co je zahrnuto v instalační sadě Garmin GTN 650?
Tato jednotka je dodávána s konektorovou sadou, zadní deskou, zásobníkem, ventilátorem, konfiguračním modulem a souvisejícím hardwarem.
Nevidím možnost upgradu WAAS. Jsou všechny Garmin GTN 750 WAAS povoleny? Také je uvedená cena včetně instalace? Existují nějaké další poplatky, pokud ano?
Ano, všechny modely GTN 750 jsou vybaveny systémem WAAS. Cena instalace není zahrnuta.
Dodává se GTN 750 s anténou jako 650?
Ano, je zahrnuta GA 35 WAAS GPS anténa.
Lze připojit tento Garmin GTN 750 k Garmin G3X? Pokud ano, jak?
Ano, GTN 750 lze připojit k Garmin G3X. Budete potřebovat GAD 29, abyste tuto rozhraní plně využili. GAD 29 umožňuje vašemu G3X začlenit takové pokročilé funkce jako GPS řízení, WAAS LPV vertikální přibližovací vedení a další. GPS navigační data jsou poskytována do systému G3X prostřednictvím jednoho vstupu RS-232 a jednoho vstupu ARINC 429 pro každou jednotku GTN/GNS. Systém G3X posílá letová data a vybranou kurzovou informaci zpět do GTN 750 prostřednictvím výstupu ARINC 429. Systém G3X používá další vstup ARINC 429 k přijímání VOR, lokálního a kluzného odchylky od GTN. Systém G3X Touch může také vzdáleně zobrazovat a ovládat VHF COM rádio, přičemž je ovládán přes GTN 750 nebo jejich vlastní přední panely přes stejný RS-232 připojení jako navigace.
Jaká je záruka na GTN750?
Všechny produkty Garmin avioniky jsou zaručeny bez vad materiálu nebo zpracování po dobu 2 let nebo 800 letových hodin, podle toho, co nastane dříve, od data zakoupení pro nové produkty panelové montáže TSO.
Je součástí Garmin GTN 750Xi montážní stojan?
Ano, zahrnuje montážní stojan.
Které CDI ukazatele budou fungovat s GNC NAV/COM?
Pro nový přijímač kluzného svahu a LOC/VOR CDI se doporučuje GI 106A pod číslem dílu 11-05768.
Budou jednotky GTR a GNC fungovat bez nákupu a údržby aktuálního předplatného databáze od Garminu?
Ano, databáze je volitelná funkce u sérií GTR a GNC.
Budou tyto rádia integrovat s Dynon 180 jako model SL 30?
Ano, série GNC bude stále vydávat NAV signál jako starší jednotky SL 30.
Je kabeláž podobná jako u jednotek 430W k Sandel 3308?
Ano, Garmin GNC Nav/Com má výstup 429 Arinc, který může jít k Sandel.
Jakou velikost jističe vyžaduje verze GNC 255A 10W? Jaký je maximální proudový odběr?
Pro stranu Com 5A @ 28V a 10A @ 14V a pro stranu Nav 2A @ 28V a 4A @ 14V. Proudový odběr se liší podle Com a Nav i podle systémů 14 a 24 voltů. Před instalací vždy konzultujte manuál.
Jaké antény jsou doporučeny pro GNC 255A Nav/Com rádio? Existuje křídelní anténa, která může být použita pro toto rádio?
Neexistuje žádná doporučená anténa pro jakékoliv rádio, protože téměř jakákoliv Com a Nav anténa může být použita. Jsou vyrobeny pro různé rychlostní třídy, montážní místa a některé jsou certifikovány (TSO'd) a některé jsou určeny pouze pro experimentální letadla. Zadejte typy antén do vyhledávacího pole na webu Aircraft Spruce pro naši nabídku produktů. Archer a Advanced Composite jsou dva typy křídelních antén, ale oba nejsou certifikovány (TSO'd), protože jsou určeny pouze pro experimentální letadla.
Nabízí integrovaný interkom pomocný audio vstup (např. pro MP3 přehrávač)?
Ne, jedná se o základní interkom. Pro stereo možnost nebo 3,5mm vstup budete potřebovat externí interkom.
Na jaké napětí tyto jednotky fungují?
Může fungovat na 14 nebo 28 voltovém systému.
Je možné zakoupit instalační vanu a kabelový svazek samostatně od jednotky GNC 255A NAV/COM?
Je to možné, ale budeme to muset speciálně objednat pro vás a nemusí to mít stejné náklady nebo dodací lhůty, protože Garmin to takto na skladě nemá. Zavolejte nám a můžeme zjistit ceny a dodací lhůty.
Poskytuje GNC 255A stejný radiální displej pohotovostního VOR jako SL 30? S primární frekvencí VOR/LOC poskytující vedení k vašemu HSI nebo CDI může být pohotovostní frekvence naladěna na druhé VOR pro zobrazení aktuálního radiálu, na kterém vaše letadlo letí.
Podle Garminu nemá GNC 255 pohotovostní VOR jako SL 30.
Je jednotka kompatibilní s mým stávajícím KI-209 GS/Loc CDI?
Podle výrobce: Ano, všechny Garmin GNC 255 jsou kompatibilní s King KI-209.
Co obsahuje kabelový svazek pro Garmin VHF NAV/COM GNC 255A/B? Obsahuje kabelový svazek pro připojení k indikátorové hlavě?
Ne, standardní kabelový svazek (11-11354 nebo 11-11355) neobsahuje připojení k CDI. Podívejte se na část 11-13040 nebo 11-13041 pro vlastní kabelový svazek, který obsahuje připojení k CDI.
Komunikuje GNC 255A s přenosným GPS Garmin 695/696?
Ano, budete potřebovat napájecí/datový kabel s číslem dílu 11-07056.
Je GNC 255a nebo 255B přímou náhradou za SL30 bez modifikace kabelového svazku?
Ne, upgrade na GNC bude vyžadovat novou instalaci racku, konektoru a kabelového svazku.
Mám GNS430 (bez waas) přibližně 5 let staré. Komunikuje Garmin GNC255 nav/com s 430?
430 je GPS NAV/COM. GNC 255 je NAV/COM. Není nutné, aby tyto dvě jednotky byly propojeny. Obě mohou být připojeny k audio panelu pro poskytnutí duálního systému NAV/COM.
Je jednotka kompatibilní s mým stávajícím KI-206 VOR/ILS indikátorem?
Ano, podle instalační příručky Garmin bude KI 206 fungovat s GNC 255A.
Může Garmin GNC255 komunikovat s přenosným GPS Aera 560?
Ano, budete potřebovat pouze napájecí/datový kabel série Garmin Aera 500.
Popis Garmin GNC 255A/255B říká, že může najít nejbližší letiště atd. K tomu musí mít GPS signál?
Ano, schválený GPS signál Garmin musí být připojen k jednotce GNC.
Bude toto Garmin VHF NAV/COM rádio 255A/255B komunikovat s G5? Bude posílat navigační informace do G5?
Ano, to může komunikovat s experimentálním G5 a G5 DG/HSI pro certifikovaná letadla.
Můžu nainstalovat toto Garmin GNC 255A/255B na Cessnu 150?
Ano, to je TSO produkt, nicméně můžeme jej prodat pouze zákazníkům, kteří provádějí experimentální instalace. Pro certifikovanou instalaci budete muset jednotku zakoupit ve vašem místním instalačním obchodě Garmin.
Komunikuje toto GNC 255A s Garmin Aera 796 GPS?
Ano, GNC 255A může komunikovat s Aera 796 přes napájecí/datový kabel s volným vodičem.
Jaký druh certifikátu přichází s GNC 255A NAV/COM?
Můžeme poskytnout certifikát o shodě výrobce nebo formuláře 8130, požádejte o ně při objednávce. Mohou být účtovány další poplatky.
Dělá Garmin nav/com rádio pro certifikovaná letadla, aniž by musel kupovat gtn-650?
Ano, to dělají. Model: GNC 255 P/N: 11-11348.
Může být toto Garmin VHF NAV/COM GNC 255A/255A spárováno s mým Garmin 796? Je to TSO pro CESSNA 182P?
Podle manuálu můžete pomocí sady volných vodičů P/N:11-10044 připojit pro frekvenční data. TSO je standardní certifikace, která není specifická pro žádné letadlo, prosím promluvte si s vaším schváleným instalátorem Garmin pro více informací. Také prosím berte na vědomí, že nemůžeme tuto jednotku prodat pro certifikovaná letadla.
Prodáváte tento produkt TSO s FORM8130-3 pro certifikované letadlo?
Ne, můžeme tyto jednotky prodat pouze pro experimentální instalace letadel.
Můžete prodat certifikovanou verzi tohoto Garmin GNC 255?
Ne, můžeme tuto jednotku prodat pouze pro experimentální instalace letadel.
Bude to komunikovat s mým stávajícím systémem King KCS 55A HSI?
Ne. Tato jednotka není na schváleném seznamu kompatibilních jednotek.
Můžu přepínat mezi GNC 355 a GNC 255 pro navigační indikace na G-5?
Ano. G5 může být připojen jak k GNC355 pro GPS informace, tak k GNC255 pro VOR/LOC a Gleitweg. Potřebujete GAD29.
Bude to komunikovat s Avidyne IFD540?
Manuál nezmiňuje žádné produkty Avidyne. Nemůžeme potvrdit, že mohou být komunikovány.
Znamená "jen jednotka" jen, že je v krabici pouze rádio a žádná zásuvka ani konektory nejsou obsaženy?
"Jen jednotka" znamená, že není obsažen kabelový svazek.
Does the Garmin Panel Mount Com Radio GTR 225A come with a FAA 8130 form?
The GTR 225 does not come with a 8130 form but it can be purchased separately.
I need to replace my SL40. Does the Garmin GTR 225A have the same 156-Pin D-Sub as the SL40?
No, the GTR 225A is not a direct, slide-in replacement. New wiring, rack and backplate will supplied to do the install.
Does the GTR225A come with all necessary installation kit?
Yes, the rack and connector kit are in the box.
Does the GTR 225A come with a plug? Is there anything extra you must purchase for installation?
This unit comes with the installation kit. You will have to purchase your own wire or the wiring harness available on our website for installation. A comm antenna and coaxial cable is also needed.
Does the installation manual come with the GTR 225A?
No, the install manual is available by request after the unit has been purchased. It is not included in the package.
Co je zahrnuto v sadě pro 6 válcových sond?
(6 ks) CHT Typ K termočlánek, bajonet 3/8-24 (6 ks) EGT Typ K termočlánek, bajonet Teplota oleje, RTD, 5/8-18 UNG-3A Průtok paliva, 1/4" samice NPT Ampérmetr, Shunt, +/-50 mV, 100 ampérů Tlak oleje, 150 PSIG, 1/8-27 NPT Tlak v sacím potrubí, 30 PSIA, 1/8-27 NPT
Je to k dispozici i pro kabelové ovládání?
Kabel pro připojení uzdy není součástí dodávky společnosti Garmin a pro jeho zprovoznění je nutné zakoupit přídavnou sadu.
Jaké je číslo dílu garmin na servu GSA 28?
Je toto servo PWM nebo digitální?
Toto servo má vysokorychlostní PWM signál.
Dodává se toto servo s univerzální instalační sadou?
Jedná se pouze o servo. Sada konektorů a instalační sada se prodávají samostatně.
Dodává se toto servo Garmin GSA 28 s formulářem 8130?
Ne, tento díl č. 11-11450 není určen pro použití v certifikovaných letadlech.
Koupil jsem si GMC 507 a dvě serva (GSA28), ale nyní bych chtěl přidat tlumič výchylky, stačí objednat další servo? Nebo budu potřebovat další díly? Děkuji
Budete potřebovat třetí servo.
Jaké jsou rozměry ramene na servu Garmin GSA 28?
Délka 2,25„“, tloušťka 0,11„“ a šířka 0,99„“ se zužuje na 0,50„“. .88„“ od ramene matice k prvnímu otvoru, 1,21 k druhému a 1,50 ke třetímu.
Prodáváte dlouhé rameno pro servo gsa28? Číslo dílu 115-01738-01.
Dlouhé rameno je součástí instalační sady RV6 Roll číslo dílu 11-11440. Chcete-li si rameno objednat samostatně,je třeba udělat objednávku. Kontaktujte naše prodejní oddělení, abyste se informovali o ceně a dodací lhůtě.
Říkáte, že pro populární řadu Van's RV (včetně modelů RV-4, 6,7,8,9 a 10) jsou nabízeny verze sad specifické pro drak, Jaké je číslo dílu sad (pitch a roll) pro RV-6a?
Modely RV6 a RV6A budou používat stejné sady.
Je tento produkt přímou náhradou / kompatibilní s produktem BENDIX/KING KY 196 A (P/N: 064-1054-30)?
Ano, tento výrobek je přímou náhradou/kompatibilní s výrobkem Bendix/King.
Je tento výrobek dodáván s instalační sadou a návodem k použití? jaké další vybavení tento indikátor vyžaduje, aby fungoval?
Instalační sada a návod jsou součástí tohoto přístroje. Žádné další položky nejsou vyžadovány.
Pokud jde o letový přístroj Garmin G5: Je volitelná anténa GPS povinnou součástí pro používání informací o pozemní rychlosti a dráze odvozených z GPS? Nebo je nutná pouze v případě, že vestavěná GPS nemá dostatečný příjem?
Externí anténa GPS je nutná, pokud nemáte na panelu namontovaný zdroj GPS WAAS, ke kterému se můžete připojit.
Má tento přístroj výstupy pro řízení autopilota? Pokud ano, ovládá řízení náklonu?
Ne. Garmin G5 se nespojí s certifikovanými systémy autopilota. Pouze experimentální verze může být integrována s autopilotem Garmin G3X.
Byla by při instalaci systému GPS Garmin 796/795 nutná anténa GPS ? Pokud ano, jakou anténu?
Systém Garmin 796/795 není považován za certifikovaný zdroj GPS WAAS. V tomto případě byste potřebovali anténu GA 35 WAAS GPS pro certifikovaný zdroj. Viz díl č. 11-09701.
Jaký další hardware je potřeba k připojení k zařízení GNS430W pro zdroj polohy GPS?
Pro propojení obou přístrojů je třeba připojit datový kabel RS-232 k přístroji G5.
Bude Garmin G5 spolupracovat s většinou autopilotů?
Verze G5 s certifikací DG/HSI bude spolupracovat s autopiloty jiných výrobců. Viz p/n: 11-15031, kde naleznete další informace o podporovaných autopilotech.
Ve své Cessně 182 mám nainstalovaný GPS KLN 90B. Jaké další vybavení bude třeba zakoupit pro instalaci této jednotky?
KLN 90B není schváleným zdrojem GPS pro Garmin G5. Museli byste nainstalovat anténu GA 35 WAAS. Budete také potřebovat hadice, šroubení a kabeláž pro připojení jednotky ke statické pitotově trubici a elektrické instalaci letadla.
Viděl jsem G5 nakonfigurovaný jako přístroj HSI. Je tato aplikace již schválena FAA?
Ne. Informace HSI nelze zobrazit na verzi přístroje G5 s certifikací STC.
Je někde k dispozici seznam schválených modelů (AML) pro přístroj Garmin G5?
Ano, přidali jsme AML pro Garmin G5 do záložky „Dokumenty“ na webové stránce.
Poskytněte prosím kopii nebo odkaz na seznam AML.
Ano, přidali jsme AML pro Garmin G5 do záložky „Dokumenty“ na webové stránce.
Lze přístroj G5 použít jako záložní přístroj ke skleněné palubní desce, která není od společnosti Garmin? Pokud ne, plánuje se v blízké budoucnosti záložní verze?
Ne, přístroj G5 nelze použít jako záložní.
Pokud instaluji tento přístroj do certifikovaného letadla schváleného STC, musím jít k instalačnímu prodejci, abych získal povolení STC, nebo bude tento dokument přiložen v balení?
Elektronický letový přístroj G5 pro certifikovaná letadla s pevnými křídly zahrnuje G5, instalační sadu, záložní baterii a kód pro získání povolení STC.
Může přístroj G5 používat Avidyne 540 jako certifikovaný zdroj GPS pomocí datového kabelu RS-232?
Ne. Jsou schváleny pouze jednotky GTN/GNS WAAS GPS. Všechny ostatní musí zakoupit anténu GA 35 GPS.
Může přístroj Garmin G5 také nahradit můj směrový gyroskop?
Ne, tento STC schvaluje G5 pouze jako primární náhradu za ukazatel polohy nebo koordinátor zatáček.
Lze na přístroji Garmin G5 přepnout barometrické nastavení z palců na milibary?
Ne, barometrické nastavení nelze změnit z palců na milibary.
Poskytuje Garmin G5 pro certifikovaná letadla digitální výstup RS232 pro kódování nadmořské výšky pro účely Mode C, S, ES, ADS-B? Zdá se, že experimentální verze toto umožňuje.
Ne, tento přístroj je schválen pouze jako primární EFIS pro certifikovaná letadla.
Je možné nastavit rychlost v km/h na přístroji Garmin G5?
Ne. Jsou dostupné pouze námořní (kt) nebo statutární (mph) jednotky.
Jaké jsou podmínky/otázky týkající se instalace do kanadského certifikovaného trupu? Je FAA STC přímo přijata T.C.A.A. nebo je potřeba kanadské STC?
Pokud instalace zahrnuje kanadské letadlo, pravděpodobně budete potřebovat schválení kanadského STC. Pokud se instalace týká nekanadské kategorie transportu, bude potřeba úroveň 1 přezkoumání (tj. dopis potvrzující použití v Kanadě). Pokud je letadlo FAR 23 nebo ekvivalentní a je z USA, nemusí být potřeba žádné schválení.
K čemu je v přístroji Garmin G5 používána poloha WAAS? Funguje přístroj stále jako ukazatel polohy na baterii, pokud je zdroj WAAS pryč (elektrické selhání, které vypne zdroj GTN 650)?
Poloha WAAS GPS se používá pro sledování směru a rychlosti. Informace o poloze jsou k dispozici ještě 4 hodiny po úplném výpadku napájení.
Je Garmin G5 schválen EASA?
Ne, tento přístroj není schválen EASA.
Může být Garmin G5 použit jako záložní přístroj pro rychlost a nadmořskou výšku v certifikovaném letadle, a tím odstranit stávající záložní analogové přístroje pro rychlost a výškoměr?
Ne, G5 není považován za záložní ukazatel rychlosti a nadmořské výšky.
Musí být Garmin G5 nainstalován autorizovaným prodejcem Garmin nebo jej může nainstalovat technik s osvědčením A&P?
Instalaci může provést technik s osvědčením A&P.
Může být G5 použit jako zdroj polohy WAAS pro transpondér ADS-B?
Ne, G5 nelze použít jako zdroj polohy WAAS.
Pokud neodstraňuji žádné povinné přístroje z mého PA28-151, mohu nainstalovat ne-STC verzi G5 pouze pro referenční účely?
Ne. Experimentální verzi lze nainstalovat pouze do experimentálních letadel. Pro certifikovaná letadla budete potřebovat verzi schválenou STC a ověřit, že vaše letadlo je na seznamu STC.
Mám stávající anténu WAAS pro jednotku ADS-B, která má svůj vlastní zabudovaný zdroj GPS. Můžete doporučit rozbočovač GPS, abych mohl použít stávající anténu na tomto elektronickém ukazateli polohy Garmin G5?
Bohužel, při instalaci tohoto přístroje nelze použít rozbočovač. Část STC vyžaduje použití vyhrazené antény GA 35.
Lze dálkovou anténu GA 25, která je dodávána s Aera 796, použít jako zdroj polohy GPS?
Ano, GA 25 lze použít s přístrojem 796 jako zdroj polohy GPS.
Dodává se G5 pro certifikovaná letadla se záložní baterií a instalační sadou GARMIN G5?
Ano, v balení je přístroj G5, záložní baterie, instalační sada a povolení STC.
Jak vybrat správná letecká sluchátka?
Podívejte se na naši příručku, kde najdete vše potřebné pro výběr sluchátek podle vašich potřeb a preferencí. Naši příručku naleznete zde.